Golden dyed peace silk dress with biopolymer sequins made from algae that is coloured with leftover dye baths.
There is more to avocado pits than dyeing textiles, it can also coat wood in pink.
Household kitchen waste of pomegranate peels, avocado pits and peels used as homemade DIY dyes.
The dyes created from juice processing by-product of turmeric are showcased in a capsule collection.
Turmeric peel dye swatches featured in a swatch book exploring regional alternative dyes to synthetics.
A colour comparison of avocado pit and peel dyes applied onto the same textiles.​
Pomegranate peel dye experiment with alum mordanted GOTS cotton textiles.
The bJuice R&D partnership continued with their ​juice processing by-product of turmeric turned into textile dyes.
The turmeric peel dye research has been extended to protein textiles and mid weight cellulose textiles.
Learn Dyeluxe's 10 easy step guide on how to turn your household avocado kitchen waste into textile dyes.
Pomegranate peels contain naturally tannins, making them good substitutes for other natural tannins.
An R&D partnership with bJuice about dye pigment extraction from their juice processing by-products.